It has specific rules for good behavior such as how frequently you can scrape, which pages allow scraping, and which ones you can’t. Web spiders should ideally follow the robot.txt file for a website while scraping. Here are the web scraping best practices you can follow to avoid getting web scraping blocked: Respect Robots.txt

How do you find out if a website has blocked or banned you ?.Use a headless browser like Puppeteer, Selenium or Playwright.Rotate User Agents and corresponding HTTP Request Headers between requests.Make requests through Proxies and rotate them as needed.Do not follow the same crawling pattern.Make the crawling slower, do not slam the server, treat websites nicely.

Web Scraping best practices to follow to scrape without getting blocked In this article, we will talk about the best web scraping practices to follow to scrape websites without getting blocked by the anti-scraping or bot detection tools. Since web crawlers, scrapers or spiders (words used interchangeably) don’t really drive human website traffic and seemingly affect the performance of the site, some site administrators do not like spiders and try to block their access. If a crawler performs multiple requests per second and downloads large files, an under-powered server would have a hard time keeping up with requests from multiple crawlers. While most websites may not have anti-scraping mechanisms, some sites use measures that can lead to web scraping getting blocked, because they do not believe in open data access. Web Crawlers can retrieve data much quicker, in greater depth than humans, so bad scraping practices can have some impact on the performance of the site. Web scraping is a task that has to be performed responsibly so that it does not have a detrimental effect on the sites being scraped.